JoinedTopics Started by Worldling9
JW Parents getting... DIVORCED
by raven inhello everyone!it has been quite some time since i've posted, but a lot has happened.
i am still with my boyfriend (mentioned in my past and very first post!
) life is going well.
What will you be doing on the evening of the 11th ?
by Phizzy inmrs phizzy and myself will be eating out, sure in the knowledge we will not have jw's using the same restaurant.. i may have a cigar along with my brandy at the meal's end to celebrate my (our) freedom..
My mom is into "The Secret"
by BlackWolf inlately my mom's gotten into all kinds of weird "power of positive thinking" kind of stuff.
she watches "the secret" and bob proctor videos all the time, and now she's trying to get me into it.
to me her being into this sort of thing seems kind of hypocritical.
Guilt as Motivator
by LifesNotOver ini've just come across this idea: i've been feeling guilty about not contributing more to this forum, given all the help i've received here.
i feel guilty that i haven't had it as bad as so many of you.
i feel guilty that i didn't have any jw family/friends that shunned me when i left.
My families shunning has gone to a whole new level
by pale.emperor in8 months df'd.
loving a life of freedom.
however, my family are all shunning me.
my letter to my molestor
by jehovahismyshepard ini wrote the following in my therapy sessions to treat my sexual abuse as an adult.
i thought that you should know that i recently discovered the reason i am weird and at times react strange there is a part of me that will never go away .... no matter how hard i try to control or hide it everyday it will always show it will always stay .. i. thought that you should know this indescribable grueling act of what you did ., that inside my adult mind and body you locked up and left for ever a trapped you know how hard it must be to accept that ?
do you even care ?do you ever feel bad when you look in the mirror who do you see when you stare?
Internally rolling my eyes.. Get this
by raven ina bit of an update, last weekend was my great grandmothers funeral, now, she was never a jw, and never was going to be, no matter how hard my mother, and grandmother tried to preach to her, she was the type of person that would kindly accept a wt or a book, but she wouldn't bother reading them.. anyways, she was a great wonderful and inspiring woman, the funeral was extremely sad, she had been a school teacher for over 35 years and a member of various clubs, so there were a lot of folks besides family that attended.. well, anyways i was there and so was my jw mother, stepfather, and grandmother, we were cordial, didn't talk about anything jw related because, it was great grandmothers funeral, not really a time to discuss how i am an evil sinner, or how i've escaped the org by avoiding df'ing, right?
wrong, as i'm sitting waiting for the service to begin, a lady shows up, now- i have known this woman for a long time, apparently she baby sat me as a small child, (like i remember?
) so she isn't someone i was ever close with, but knew of her or when she was around would say hi to and make small talk.. to give you a tid-bit on her personality though, she is one of those crazy jw's.. she claims to have been possessed by a demon, very very wacky on the prophesies, or gb talks, etc.
2.16.2017 NJ Star-Ledger Ad: "Were you sexually abused by the Jehovahs Witnesses?"
by breakfast of champions inmy wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
TV commercial seen in the United States, from a Law firm "Asking if you were ever sexually abused by JEHOVAHS WITNESSES, please call".
by Dunedain inok, so i don't know if this is "old news", and if this has been seen, and or mentioned already.
if it was, i do apologize, but i feel i have to mention what has been seen on tv, within the past 24 hours.. first off, i would like to say that i did not personally see this commercial.
however, it was seen by someone that i can verify 100% is telling the truth, as it was my own father who saw it.